I followed in a good friend's pen path and decided to keep myself as sane as possible during working hours. But once I quit my job I found the need to continue my mental ramblings. These blogs are the results of those journeys.
So much happening this month hence the reason I have not been here in a coon's age. They say things happen in threes and that seems to hold true for what is occuring in my own life.
First, the big announcement from the daughter came at the beginning of the month. She is expecting my first grandchild in January and she and Mikey will marry in August (on Richard's birthday). It will be a very small wedding, held at Mikey's grandmother's house followed by a true redneck (sans alcohol) BBQ that Dick is going to cater. It should be a lot of fun. Send thoughts and prayers their way! I will continue to live here though part time as that brings us to the second big event of June.
We bought the B&B (or I should say Dick bought the B&B). Yes, the Ashton County House in Staunton, VA is "ours" and will be open for business in two weeks! He surprised me with the closing the first Wednesday of June and we've been busy trying to get our lives organized, packed and moved into the new digs ever since. We spent last week hauling personal items south and will probably do that again several times for the next two weeks. Richard is busy with securing licenses and redesigning the website (or having one of his sons-in-law do it) as well as doing everything else that is necessary for his consulting business. I will continue with Williams-Sonoma for the time being, though only two/three days a week and traveling back and forth (thank God Staunton is only 2 hours away). Once the B&B takes off this may change, but until then I will be the happy commuter.
Finally, Kyle graduated last week and is off to summer school at the local Tech school. He needs to take an English course and a math course before heading up to the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY. He will also be working this summer which means his plate will be extremely full. Not sure if Bravard will be finishing her Associate's Degree before the baby is born, but I have done all I can to counsel her in that regard. She is an adult and the decision has to be hers.
So, until I have time to do this again, stay safe and be happy. God bless!