So Angelo suggests we play tennis which, in itself, isn't strange but I haven't played in over 10 years and all I'm used to doing is situps, squats and walking. But, okay, let's give it a go. First of all, I arrived at the courts and my tennis shoes fell apart. I guess if you don't use something it disintegrates overtime. The rubber on the bottom of the shoe separated from the sole itself but did I know this? No. It wasn't until I was running full speed ahead to get a ball that my legs didn't move as fast as my upper body, my shoe snapped and I flew ungracefully about 4 feet landing on my knee and shoulder, spinning my body and coming to a final stop on my back. I know I scared Angelo to death and the people in the other court were probably trying desperately not to laugh...unlike me who started laughing hysterically. "Are you okay?....Come on Caroline, are you okay?" You could hear the real concern in Angelo's voice. After a full two minutes I got up and limped back to the service line, my bloody knee groaning with every step.
Now Angelo is a big man. He's overweight but still knows his way around a tennis court. Every ball he sends my way is well placed so I don't have to run. We see how one-sided this is going to be so instead of really playing, he starts coaching me; and I must say that of all the tennis coaches I've had in my past, he is excellent, the best. Unfortunately, I was pretty sore so we only played for a short time. We left the courts and headed to Dick's sportswear to get me some new shoes and to get some balls...yes a dozen was just not enough. Not only that we got a "hopper", one of those great baskets that picks up the balls with little effort whatsoever. The thing holds 72 balls...hope that's enough!
So Angelo suggests we play again today. Oh sure, she says, stiff muscles groaning with every step. But the day was absolutely beautiful and the courts we almost empty. We worked on my serve for awhile, then it was backhand. I have always hated my backhand, no control of where the ball would go at all, but as I said, Angelo as a coach is terrific. Two baskets of balls later and I'm starting to place those balls where I want them. He did the same for my forehand which is extremely rusty. It was over an hour and a great work out, if I do say so myself. AND, I didn't fall once! I probably won't be able to walk or lift anything tomorrow, but it was a great day!