So far this year, the weathermen have been so far off, that I don't believe any of us actually paid a lick of attention to the forecast of 2-6 inches on Sunday. The day before had been so beautiful. The sun was bright and delivered temperatures close to 55 degrees, darn balmy weather considering the week before was running closer to 18. Almost all the snow and ice from the previous week had disappeared and some of the tree buds were making a reappearance.
I hadn't slept well as Dick and I spent the entire weekend looking at property from here to Blacksburg trying to find an inn/B&B to purchase. We were so tired we could barely communicate in complete sentences, but I was beyond sleep, only napping for short bursts. So I stayed in front of the television allowing the grey noise to lull me into the arms of Morpheus. At 4:30 in the morning I awakened to the need to use the bathroom and glanced out the window to see bit of rain but nothing more. On the sofa I fell back to sleep only to wake up a little over an hour later to a winter wonderland. What a difference an hour makes...and it just kept falling and falling, fat puffy flakes, small tight crystals, white white and more white. The temperature fluctuated between 31 and 33 for most of the day but the snow fell for a good 12 hours until it finally tapered off around 3:30. But the accumulation was closer to 8 or 10 inches than the 2 to 6 that was predicted.
Luckily, the previous three days of very warm and sunny weather heated the ground so the mess today is virtually non-existent. Yesterday evening the roads were easy to plow and the sidewalks shoveled clean which prepared the way for risk-free transportation today. And though overcast, the temperature is in the upper 30's low 40's. This blanket of white will probably disappear in a day or two.
But it does make me wonder if this climatic show is the last hurrah or if we'll see one more huge dump before spring is well and truly upon us. I know the powers that be forced Punxatawney Phil out of his hidey hole to report that we would have an early spring, but I think I agree with Meredith Vierra in her assessment that the early spring they were speaking of occurred in January. A white Easter has been known to happen. But will it happen this year as well? Only time and Mother Nature know for sure.
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