My ex-father-in-law sent me these yesterday. The woman in the photographs lives in a "Hummingbird Fly Zone". As these birds migrated, about 20 of them stopped in her yard. Just for a lark, she took a little red dish and filled it with sugar water and these are the results. Isn't this amazing? Can you imagine holding a hummingbird in your hands, much less three or four? WOW!
Missing you, Caroline, over at Sundries, my dear friend.
And here's wishing you the best of Easter Sundays! :)
Wonderful pictures! I am fascinated by humming birds but have never had the luxury of one in the hand
Dearest Victoria, your comments are heart-warming. I will be there again soon as my schedule has been chockablock full!!! I breather would be most welcome right now.
Happiest of Holy Days to you too.
Ciao, Caroline
these are incredible!!!
Aren't they???
I love hummingbirds but we can't seem to attract any! Beautiful pics!
We love hummingbirds! We have tried to attract them to our yard but it hasn't worked as of yet. Maybe there is still hope! Beautiful pics!
Google hummingbirds and find the migration map. Next thing is get hummingbird friendly flowers, we always buy 4 or 5 fushias as they have a sweet nectar AND are a brilliant color and we hang them high on the porch. Next to the flowers we hang several bright red hummingbird feeders but we don't put color in the sugar water. We also change the water on a weekly basis so it stays fresh. We also check for ants as they love the water too and the birds hate the ants. Hope this helps. Peace, Caroline
Thank you so much Caroline. We will try that! I don't think we realized that they like Fushias so much, so we will try that! Thanks for the info!
Thank you so much for the info. We didn't realize that fushias were part of the equation but we will buy some when our weather permits. Also we will google hummingbirds and try to figure it all out. Thanks so much!
Thanks Caroline. I keep posting this and it keeps disappearing. Hopefully you won't have 3 posts from me that say the same thing. We will get some fushias when the weather permits and make sure that we google hummingbirds too.
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