After today, the sound of children will fill the otherwise dull void of everyday sounds here in Chantilly. Michael Jr and I will make daily treks across the street to the pool where we will learn NOT to be afraid of the water even if the grandmother has to throw the child off the diving board and into the deep end. No, I guess I'll save that experience for his parents. It's also a time to pluck bits of arugula out of the garden and eat it whilst weeding and picking up the endless poop of which the dogs gift us on what feels like an hourly basis. I will have a much needed and very celebrated two weeks reprieve from my own academic endeavors and will spend the time doing as little as possible. I'm sure that plan will last all of five minutes for it is quite difficult not doing anything when there is a 16 month old running about getting into absolutely everything. But all in all, to include the recurring downpours that seem to plague us these days (though I shouldn't complain because it is much better than a drought), life is good, I feel blessed, and summertime is upon us.
Beautiful post!
Your mood is apparent. Wish I could see you in a bathing suit!
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