Yep it's that time of life where I have to have one of these once a year. Oh joy! This is my first and today is my prep food, only clear liquids, yadda yadda yadda! I made my MoviPrep; mixed it with Gatorade and will begin to consume that at 7:00 tonight. I don't do well drinking thick stuff so I hope this goes down okay. Actually I'll probably be happy to have it because I'll think I'm eating something. Then I take the second dosage at 3:00 am. Yep 3:00 AM!!! Don't think I'll be doin much sleeping tonight.
My friend, Carol, suggested I stay in my pj's and pretend I'm on a cruise drinking margaritas. At 7:00 this evening I'll start doing that. For the day, I will consume clear liquids and fast and wish the day would go faster so I can start the process. Anticipa ya tion is making me wait!!!
One really good thing about this is it's going to help me lose weight though it will all be water weight which I will put back on immediately....but I'm not going to think about that. Weight loss is weight loss, especially when one is dieting. Another good thing is I won't be awake for the procedure so there's really nothing about which to be nervous, right? I can't imagine having to be awake for something like this....yuckers!
And come Friday, when it's all over and done with, I can drive to Baltimore to see my sister and I won't have to think about it until next year.....yeehaw!
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