Saturday, March 17, 2007

Gun Lobby

Can someone please explain to me how a country with a population of 298.5 million can allow a gun lobby whose membership is 4.3 million (that is ONLY 1.4% of our population) to influence the government's decisions on gun control? I find it abhorent that "MONEY TALKS". Does that mean that I, who has no money or influence, also has NO VOICE?

I think if you hunt for food to put on your table, by all means, have a rifle for hunting, but what is the true necessity, the sole purpose of a handgun? Of a semiautomatic 45? One surely doesn't use THAT to bring down a deer or moose or bear, do they? Aren't they weapons used to hunt human beings? To terrorize and violently influence decisions and actions of others? Can someone please convince me that I need one and why? And can you also convince me that by allowing MORE guns on the street will make me and my family safer? Are there numbers out there that prove if I have a gun to defend myself and my family against a "bad guy" with a gun, neither of us will be killed? In my mind, if two people have guns, both are scared, the guns are pointed at the other, someone is going to get hurt.

I can understand "the right to bear arms" especially if trying to free your country from tyranny and persecution...hey wait a second....are you thinking what I'm thinking???

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