About three weeks ago I decided to start compiling a list of those words I had to look up whilst reading blogs or newspaper articles. Never one with a huge or impressive vocabulary (my younger sister has hubris regarding her mastery of verbiage) I have always had some difficulty retaining the meanings or spellings of words. Being dyslexic as well as ADD did not help in my youth, but these things were overcome with years of practice as well as quietly relying on dictionaries, thesauruses and the spell-check option. So here is the list. I am sorry I did not write down the original sentences. I will definitely do that in the next go round. Also, these are in the order in which I acquired them, thus meaning they are in no order whatsoever. How many do you already know?
1. Didactic–teaching or intending to teach a moral lesson
2. Sophrosyne-moderation; discretion; prudence
3. Hubris-excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance
4. Osculation-kiss
5. Mendicant–begging
6. Circumlocution-verbiage
7. Fecund-fertile
8. Parsimonious–stingy
9. Extemporize-improvise
10.Ubiquitous-to be everywhere
I suppose my next assignment would be to use each in a sentence in a blog. Maybe tomorrow....for today I shall concentrate on completing my Algebra assignments for the week and studying for my Nutritional Health quiz on Friday. When I have the time for my creative juices to begin to flow once again which will allow me to develop an entertaining yet witty editorial, I will tackle the task of using the above words. Until then....
1 comment:
Good project and quite a challenge.Will be checking back.
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