Set in South Carolina, one of the many places I have been lucky enough to call home, in 1964 in an area rife with segregation and hatred. And though it is illegal to persecute blacks, this does not stop radical whites from treating black basely. This white child with a cross too heavy for one so young to bear, runs away from an abusive situation, breaks her best friend (who happens to be black) out of jail and hightails it out of town, searching for a place that calls to her heart.
Not a huge fan of Queen Latifa's acting, I was blown away by the extent of her charisma on the screen as well as the perfect mold she took with her character. Dakota Fanning is a star, and this movie should be a large step to building upon her career as a young adult. Jennifer Hudson proved herself to be first rate in her last film, and takes it even further here. Alisha Keys and Sophie Okunedo are just as polished as all the others. Finally, Paul Bettany (who played the Alibino in The DaVinci Code) played the part of Dakota's abusive father perfectly. Though you never like him, you come to understand him in the end.
For any of you who have yet to see it, check it out on imdb.com, the link is in the title of this blog. Then rent it through netflix or redbox, or whatever. It's a wonderful, feel good movie and it will make you want to run to the library to read the book...which is what I'm getting ready to do right now!
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