Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Time to go....

I went for a walk with Mikey this evening. I was wearing my short cotton muumuu with nothing underneath. The warm breeze pushed the material gently across my bare buttocks and thighs and the humid air caused sweat to build under my breasts before it rolled down across my stomach and hips. I watched as Mikey played with a stick on the sidewalk but my heart was calling me other places. The whispering in my soul was telling me that it is time to move on.....Mikey stood, took my finger in his little hand and smiled up at me, his face dirty with the juice of a green popcycle. A jet flew over head and he pointed, calling out excitedly "jet, jet, jet". My heart swelled with this image, later to be added to my scrapbook of mental memories, but still, it is time to go.....


Tony Rugare said...
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Carol said...

I am soooo... proud of you. You may be a lot of things, but a quitter you are not! You will only be a better person to yourself, the kids and of course, Mikey, for taking this bold step. I love and support you always!

Tony Rugare said...

A little confused by your last post. Are you shutting down your blog? If so , I wish you the best. I've enjoyed your posts and your comments.

Unknown said...

No, I'm not going to stop blogging and feel I'll probably get back to it once these darn accounting courses are completed (they take all my brain power)...I'm just moving down to Georgia....taking another new road!

Living Presidents said...

the line about the air touching your body caught me off guard lol. i think it put you into milf status