Monday, May 11, 2009

My First Portrait

I have completed my first portrait and I believe I did fairly well. I cannot say that it was easy, but it was comfortably challenging. After drawing the initial sketch, I added the first washes of skin color.

Next I darkened the eyes and began the shadowing. Unfortunately, the hands got a bit muddy, but I tried cleaning it up as best I could.

Next came the blue of the Pamper's Diaper that he had placed upon his head. Then the highlights of the white of the diaper.

Finally, shadows throughout the pictures. It was at this step that I realized watercolor isn't as unforgiving as I'd initially assumed, A little dab of water and a paper towel to dry off the brush is all that is needed. Now, I couldn't get all the "mud" off the hands, but I was able to clean them up quite a bit. Soon the contours of the face developed before my eyes, and staring at the photograph, I could actually start to see where the colors lightened and varied naturally.

This photograph is following the final brush stroke. It was such a fun thing to do and I can't wait to begin my next project. My stepmother is sending me photos of landscapes that she holds dear so I am sure I will be busy for the next couple weeks. Hopefully I can give her one for Christmas. By the way, painting is truly addictive as well as soothing. I would suggest giving it a whirl.