Beating myself up for blowing an Algebra exam...again...I decided to abandon my mathematical woes and travel down the internet highway to see if anything interesting caught my eye. Now, I don't know where I've been the last three months, but apparently it is out of the loop because I had no idea that "earth hour" was upon us or how I could become more involved. But more involved I shall be (hence passing the word through my blog) for I have not missed it the fun.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is asking everyone to turn off their lights at 8:30 PM local time and keep them off for one hour. This action is not so much to save energy as it is to make a statement to our governments' leadership that global warming is a real and pervasive issue that needs to be taken seriously. To switch off your lights is to give a vote for earth. Also check out the WWF site and make a donation or purchase one of many interesting and culturally expanding gifts there.
At Earth Hours one can now follow last year's "Earth Hour" celebration as well as see how the dimming of lights this year is progressing. The 60 hours of darkness has already begun but it will be awhile before it hits here in the United States. I will be participating and I hope you will as well.