I was surfing the blogs trying to pull thoughts together when I ran across a blog by Mr. Stiles at Stiles Point. He was "very disappointed" in a comment made by President Obama on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno regarding his bowling skills which Obama compared to being worthy of the Special Olympics. Now, I must say that the comment is definitely not "politically correct" and any politician should remember that they must appear to be pure as the driven snow once they reach office (even if they did inhale) but comparing it to Imus and his "ho" comment is taking it just a little too far. Calling someone a HO and speaking of Special Olympic bowling skills are, at least in this readers eyes, two different types of insults, not that I am making excuses for such a fax pas.
Even comparing it to the previous President is a bit of a far reach. Let's see, which is the more stupid comment, "...bowled a 129...it was like Special Olympics or something..." or "I am the Decider"... well never mind. One was trying to be funny and the other was funny without trying. But Stiles is probably correct in his field day comment regarding the media. If the former President had said something so self-abasing, it would have surprised us all and the liberal media would have jumped at the chance to make him look the idiot....again. Whereas when Obama made such a blunder, only the Conservatives were jumping for joy....wait, this sounds strangely familiar...isn't this similar to the last 8 years, and the 8 years before that, and the 4 years before that, and the.....Funny what changing shoes can do!
I will admit that I do not believe it was his most brilliant comparison but I doubt if Obama had said "my bowling would make Caroline look good" the rest of America would have gotten the joke. He could have compared himself to a brown bear, but the animal rights activists would have been up in arms. Who knows, that might even have provoked the NAACP as well. Okay, maybe he could have said, "I should have been playing with the one-armed paper hangers" but I'm sure someone who knew someone missing that appendage would have been outraged. Well, maybe he could have said, "Man I SUCK at bowling" but that kind of language coming from a President of the United States is deplorable. So, I suppose his best avenue would have been to keep his mouth firmly closed regarding his lack of bowling technique and skills and just continued with the basketball comment which, I did notice, did NOT cause great furor in the African American community (or any community wanting to raise and eyebrow and a ruckus). Is it because Leno is NOT a politician?
I suppose, once reaching an elected office, it is best not to attempt to have a sense of humor of any kind any more. Allow the common folks like me and you to make the blunders, fax pas, and stupid jokes. I wonder, though, when did we begin to expect such exalted perfection in our leaders? I thought we saved that for God.
Good point in your last paragraph. We shouldn't expect perfection. Aiming for it is not such a bad idea.
Agreed, having it as a goal is key. Expecting it is something else entirely. Thanks for introducing me to Erin O'Brien's page. What fun!
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