Photo: www.virginiamason.org
I follow several blogs, and sometimes I like what I've read so much I feel the need to mention it here. This, however is not a post because I liked or enjoyed the blog, it is a sincere request to follow the link and read about a place in Seattle, Washington that is the comfortable and comforting stepping stone between the here and the hereafter. This is a place where hopelessness and helplessness are overcome through guidance, friendship and love. The staff are angels that go above and beyond the typical call of duty for those in their field. They take pride in their work and they gain strength from the love they give as well as receive. Unfortunately, they are in the same monetary bind as so many non-profit organizations in the United States today. But even in my dire financial straights, I can find $5 or $10 to donate to them that may allow their doors to remain open for a bit longer. I sincerely hope that you can as well.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
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