On a day that is overcast and gray in a country suffering from a recession that fills all news sources with blurbs that are as dark as the skies outside, the Today show aired a wonderful little vignette that lifted my spirit and my lips while making a few tears paint my cheeks. Forty years ago, this baby's family was killed in an apartment fire. Since she was an early teen, she has wondered about this man who was kind enough to give her his breath of life, as her stepmother reminded her. So she went on a search and finally found him.
My daughter, who is 25 and still so naive in many ways, has had a very privileged life. She grew up in the military so was not taught prejudice. She travelled the globe living in far off, exotic places and was raised both here and abroad so she does not comprehend racial hatred. So therefore, as this news piece was airing and I was as still as a cat in a room full of rockers, she was quite unaware of the significance of the story. She could only see life being given to a child. What is not depicted clearly above is that the child is black.
At a time when racial tension in the country was at it's peak, this white, Irish Catholic firefighter from Boston, an area that was rife with tension and hatred between blacks and whites, held this small negro infant in his huge, gentle, yet capable hands and kissed her with the breath she so desperately needed in order to survive. That is the miracle, that is the heart of the story, that is why we have hope. I would like to think that any firefighter would have had the honor and compassion to do what he did, but having been alive during that time period in history as well as having highly educated extended family members that hate black people just because they are black, I can imagine there are some that would rather have let her die then place their own mouth upon her. But not Firefighter Carroll who did what he knew was best. And thank heavens above he did.
I don't know if it took forty years to find him, or that long to get the nerve to find him, but find him she did. And the reunion was special and heartfelt...and by the looks of it, her children have found new members to add their extended and extending family. Blessed may they all be.
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