I am so frustrated with government today. I really think we should fire everyone, pick up the original constitution and amendments and start from scratch. We need to find statesmen to lead us and not politicians who take advantage of us. We need to find people who will take the unfavorable steps to accomplish things like balanced budgets. We should be electing people who represent the people and not the parties. And as I get older, and realize what has happened in our government since I have been voting, I believe it's time to "get tough". No, this doesn't mean get rid of women's rights, or guns, or same sex marriages, but it means that we all need to be willing to make some sacrifices and not just us, the little guys who have no say because we either lack the money or the means to make a difference in our government. As well, it means to get tough with the men and women who are serving our needs because we put them in ofice. It means it's time to make each one accountable starting with President Obama all the way down the line, Democrats and Republicans alike. It's time the politicians remembered that they work for us.
But how to accomplish this is beyond my grasp. We tried it with elections but once the politician gets into office, he/she tends to forget they represent the people and begin representing a party, or what's best for the people who gave money to their campaigns. It seems so dishonest to me, yet I have to pay my taxes, I have to follow the laws, I have to be held accountable for my actions, while these bozos just string things along until someone else can make a decision or another party is in office. They add things to bills which have nothing to do with the original bill. And they don't listen to the little guy at all, instead playing the political game with themselves and their money bags.
I wonder if Americans are even aware of the bullshit that takes place in Congress. And if we realized it what we could do, as a country, to stop the waste and fraud and unconstitutional decisions that are made? It takes more than an election, that's for sure. And the media sure doesn't help. I watch the news and wonder why 3 to 5 minutes is spent on news while the rest of the 30 minutes has to do with a killing in Kentucky or whether the Kardashian baby is a boy or a girl. What is wrong with people that they put up with this garbage. Don't we care?
As much as I enjoy seeing the family unit with the Obamas, I have learned not to trust them. I hear so many rumors from everything to his birth to the denial, by him, of his own actions and those taken by people in his office, that I can no longer believe him. There is always some truth to rumor and there are so many rumors out there that I question his integrity. And he is great at playing the blame game. For example, he added the sequester into legislation and now blames the Republicans for having it (or for waiting until they HAD to have it), yet it was his idea. And what is with closing the White House doors due to the sequester and lack of funds to pay the Secret Service. That's bullshit! They should already have the money to pay the Secret Service BUT if you have to cut back something don't do it to the Secret Service. Cut back some of Michelle Obama's personal assistants...it's rumored she has 20 of them. And don't play golf with the likes of Tiger Woods. And talk about misuse of Executive Orders (drones) or Executive Privilege (Fast and Furious).
And it's not just the Obamas and the Democratic Party. The Republicans are just as bad. Take Jeff Sessions and the BS he put out about Obamacare. The Senator stated his findings were based on "a realistic set of assumptions" and he dropped this little nut just hours before the GAO report was supposed to go public. Unfortunately, the Republicans and those against Obamacare pounced on this and didn't even bother to acknowledge the rebuff made by the GAO. What the people fail to realize is that the question was put to the GAO by Sessions regarding the worse case scenario and what those results would be. He required the GAO to project what might happen to the long-term national debt under the following circumstances; (a) Congress acts to end each and every one of the tax provisions that are a critical part of the financing mechanism for the law, (b) each and every cost cutting measure in the law fails completely, and (c) every dollar of spending under the law remaining completely untouched. He also asked they assess the impact Obamacare might have on the long-term national debt should the law be carried out exactly as it is written and currently exists. In response this question, the GAO study reported, “The primary deficit declined 1.5 percentage points as a share of GDP over the 75-year period in this (GAO’s Baseline Extended) simulation.” (Thank you Rick Unger from Forbes for your article!) Manipulation is the name of the game, and we, as American citizens, are being manipulated by then every day.
Neither party is willing to truly compromise yet they are willing to point fingers saying the other party wouldn't give enough. Congress is killing us, the White House is killing us, and our people do nothing but glue themselves to the electronics and close their eyes to the destruction of our government. And those of us that do care have no idea what to do to change things as our hands appear to be tied. Yes, this is a very frustrating time in our government and I don't see any end in sight.
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