Saturday, March 9, 2013

Having a very conservative partner who follows closely the words of Gingrich and Krauthammer and yet being a moderate liberal and lover of the arts who reads the Washington Post and Huffington Post, the tug of war that goes on in my head it constant.  Mind you, when Angelo talks politics and the Obama-nation of today I take what he says with a grain of salt, but his words are becoming more and more believable.  Unfortunately, liberal media only seems to post pro-Obama propaganda while the right heads in just the opposite direction.  It amazing since the subject is the same in both cases.  I must admit that the voices of Gingrich and Krauthamer are becoming more and more coherent in this world of bombastic rhetoric.

WHAT?  Newt Gingrich you say?  That man is evil!  He has no morals!  He's been married 3 times and he cheated on his wives!  Well, you know what I found out about Mr. Gingrich?  He has been married three times, and the first time was, in fact, to his teacher.  Yes, his high school teacher.  She would've been arrested today for having that relationship.  His second wife married him to be involved in the political world.  She liked the clout it gave her and would not hear of a divorce.  It was a very unhappy marriage.  As for his new wife, she appears to be very good for the man, and it seems they compliment each other.  A very devout Catholic, Gingrich has embraced her religion and tries to live by its dictates.  Of course, being a woman and a freethinking one at that, this is not necessarily a plus for the Newt, but it does show that he is loyal to his spouse.   And besides that, it was Gingrich that helped balance the budget working very closely with President Clinton during his second term in office.  But what I like about Newt more than any of this is no one likes him, or rather NO POLITICAL PARTY likes him.  He's too outspoken, he's too smart, and he doesn't seem to put up with the arrogance that has infested the present government.  And I like the fact that the wool cannot be pulled over his eyes, he's on top of what's going on in the government today.  Yeah, I think I'll keep my eye out for him next go round!

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